Summer is here! Being aware of the signs of heatstroke in your pet which includes lethargy, heavy panting, excessive thirst and vomiting. Below are five tips for keeping your cat a true “cool cat.”

#1: Have plenty of fresh, cold water for your cat to drink.  I put ice cubes in the dish frequently and let them melt.

#2: Make sure there are shady spots for your cat to keep cool and snooze.

#3: Have a fan or air conditioner running.  Ceiling fans are great if you have them, keep them on low-to-medium speed.

#4: Never leave your cat unattended in the car in the hot, summer months. After ten minutes on a 70- degree day, your cat could show signs of heatstroke and be in distress. Keep your cat with you if possible.  If your cat is in the car be sure to keep the air conditioning running.

#5: Take at least one day and be sure to enjoy the lazy days of summer with your cat!