Did you know that September is Happy Cat Month?!?

2018 marks the seventh year of Happy Cat Month.  The CATalyst Council  created Happy Cat Month as a reminder to all cat owners to make sure our cats are not only healthy, but happy! I know when my cat is happy, he gets “that cute, little smile on his face.”  I love hearing him purr and watching his little paws knead or “make biscuits” as he has his eyes closed.  He is with his person and I am with him.  We are both content!

People—and cats, too, are healthier when they are happy! So, just how do we make sure our cats are happy?  The CATalyst Council provides us with suggestions as to how to keep our cats engaged. We must “think like a cat” and see the world from their perspective.  My most favorite times are lying in bed with my cat in the early mornings or late at night, before bed. There is always some cuddling, some play time, and time to relax and just be together! I have four cats, but each cat has his own time!

Safety, Engagement, Companionship, and Proper use of Space are the key components to ensuring that your cat is happy. Your cat will love you for it and you’ll BOTH be happy!