1. Nap More-Cat naps are the best thing to get through surviving a long winter (and each season) of each year.

2. Play More-Train my cat mom and dad to play with me for AT LEAST one half-hour a day. To remind them, I will play by myself preferably with something of theirs and create havoc until I gain their attention.

3. Catch More Rays-I vow to sit in the sun, stay warm and think of those hot, summer days ahead.

4. Eat and Drink More-Stay hydrated and fortified to keep warm and healthy. I will make sure I have fresh water and nutritious food each day.

5. Be Thankful for All I Have: I was altered by five months of age for health, behavioral and community reasons, have a great home to live in. My wish is that all of my feline cousins and friends have the same benefit. Then it will truly be a Happy New Year!